RCS : 333 614 360 Paris
Immatriculation : IM075110291
APE : 7911Z
Intra-community VAT : FR02333614360
SIRET : 33361436000027
RCP : Generali AL435629
Financial Guarantee : APST
Accounting Pascal Quennemet : compta.weisse@selectour.com


General terms and conditions

In case of cancellation or modification of services booked by the client, insurances, benefits other than those included in the program or the brochure of the organizer, are not refundable.

In accordance with Articles 14 and 24 of Law 92-645 of 13 July 1992, the provisions of Articles 95 to 103 of Decree 94-490 of 15 June 1994, which the text is reproduced below, are not applicable to operations reservation or sale of tickets not included in the framework of a tourist package.

“The brochure, quotation, proposal, program of the organizer constitute the prior information referred by Article 97 of Decree 94-490 of 15 June 1994. Therefore, in default of otherwise provided on the front of this document, the features, prices and conditions of travel as stated in the brochure, quotation, proposal of the organizer, will be contractual upon the signature of the bulletin of inscription.

In the absence of a brochure, quote, proposal and program, this document constitutes, before its signature by the purchaser, the prior information, referred by Article 97 of Decree 94-490 of 15 June 1994. It will be void for lack of signature within 7 days from the date of issue.

In case of contract assignment, the assignor and / or transferee are first required to pay the resulting costs. When these costs exceed the amounts shown in the store and those mentioned in the contractual documents, the supporting documents will be provided. “

Extract of Decree No. 94-490 of June 15 made under Article 31 of Law No. 92-645 of 13 July 1992 laying down the conditions for conducting activities related to the organization and sale of travel or stays.

Article 95: Subject to the exclusions in the second paragraph (a and b) of Article 14 of the Law of 13 July 1992, any offer or sale of travel services or stays result in the delivery of appropriate documents which respond at the rules defined by this present title. In case of sale of airline tickets or on regular line not accompanied by services related at these transports, the seller delivers to the purchaser one or more tickets for the entire trip issued by the carrier or under responsibility. In the case of transport on demand, the name and address of the carrier for whom the tickets are issued, must be mentioned. The separate billing of various elements of a same touristic package does not exempt the seller to the obligations which are done him by the present title.

Article 96: Beforehand to the conclusion of the contract and on the basis of a written document , bearing his company name, address and the indication of its administrative authorization, the seller must provide to the consumer the information of the prices, dates and other aspects of the services provided for the trip or stay such as:

1/The destination, the means, the characteristics and categories of transport used;

2/The type of accommodation, its location, its comfort and its main features, its approval and its tourist classification corresponding to the regulation or customs of the host country;

3/The meals provided;
4/The description of the itinerary if it is a circuit;

5/The administrative and health formalities to be carried out in case of, in particular, border crossing and the time of fulfillment;

6/The visits, excursions and other services included in the package or available at an extra cost;

7/The minimum or maximum size of the group for the journey or the stay and, if the journey or stay is subject to a minimum number of participants, the deadline for the consumer to inform the seller in case of cancellation of the trip or stay; this date can not be mounted within twenty one days before departure;

8/The amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a deposit at the conclusion of the contract and the schedule of payment of the balance;

9/The terms of price adjustment as provided in the contract under Article 100 of this present decree;

10/The cancellation conditions with a contractual nature;

11/The cancellation policy defined in sections 101.102 and 103 below;

12/The details of the risks covered and the amount of subscribed insurance at the title of the contract of insurance covering the consequences of the professional civil liability of travel agencies and the civil liability of associations and nonprofit organizations and local tourism organism;

13 /The information concerning the optional subscription of an insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation or assistance contract covering certain risks, including repatriation costs in case of accident or illness.

Article 97: The prior information done to the consumer binds the seller, unless in this the seller expressly reserves him the right to change certain elements. The seller must, in this case, clearly indicate to what extent these changes may occur and in which elements. In any event, changes to the prior information must be communicated by writing to the consumer before the contract is concluded.

Article 98: The contract between the seller and the buyer must be written, in duplicate, one of which is given to the purchaser, and signed by both parties. It must contain the following clauses:

1/The name and address of the seller, its guarantor and insurer and the name and address of the organizer;

2/The destination or destinations of travel and, in case of fractioned travels, the different periods and their dates;

3/The means, characteristics and categories of transport used, the dates, times and places of departure and return;

4/The type of accommodation, its location, its comfort and its main characteristics, its tourist classification under the regulations or usesof the host country;

5/The number of meals provided;

6 /The itinerary if it is a circuit;

7/The visits, excursions or other services included in the price of the trip or stay;

8/The total price of services billed and the indication of any possible review of the billing pursuant to the provisions of the Article 100 below;

9 /The indication, if any, charges or fees for certain services such as landing taxes, embarkation or disembarkation at ports and airports, tourist taxes when there are not included in the price of the services provided;

10/Le timing and mode of payment, the last payment made by the buyer will be less than 30p. 100 of the price of the trip or stay and shall be made upon delivery of the documents allowing the trip or stay;

11/The conditions requested by the buyer and accepted by the seller;

12/The modalities in which the purchaser may make the seller of a complaint for non-performance or improper performance of the contract, which complaint must be sent as soon as possible, by registered letter with acknowledgment to the seller, and notified in writing, possibly, to the organizer of travel and at the provider of concerned services;

13/The deadline for informing the buyer in case of cancellation of the trip or stay by the seller if the journey or stay is subject to a minimum number of participants, in accordance with 7 of Article 96 above;

14/The cancellation conditions with a contractual nature;

15/The cancellation conditions provided for in Articles 101, 102 and 103 below;

16/The details of the risks covered and the amount of coverage under the insurance contract covering the consequences of the professional civil liability of the seller;

17/The indications concerning the insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation signed by the purchaser (policy number and insurer’s name), and indications concerning the assistance contract covering certain specific risks, including repatriation costs in case of accident or illness, in which case, the seller must give to the buyer a document specifying at least the risks covered and risks excluded;
18/The deadline for the seller to inform in case of cession of the contract by the buyer;

19 /The commitment to provide, in writing, to the buyer, at least ten days before the scheduled departure, the following information:

a) The name, address and telephone number of the local representation of the seller or, failing that, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of local organizations that can assist the consumer in case of difficulty, or, failing the telephone number to establish urgently a contact with the seller;

b) For journeys and stays of minors abroad, a phone number and an address for direct contact with the child or the person on place of his travel.

Article 99: The buyer can transfer the contract to a transferee who meets the same conditions as him to effectuate the trip or stay, as long as the contract has no effect. Unless stated more favorable to the transferor, it must inform the seller of his decision by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within seven days before the trip begins. In the case of a cruise, this period is extended to fifteen days. This assignment is not subject in any case, at a prior authorization of the seller.

Article 100: When the contract contains an express right to revise prices, within the limits laid down in Article 19 of the Law of 13 July 1992, it must indicate how the calculation, both upside and downward price changes, including the costs of transport and related taxes, the currency or currencies that may affect the price of the trip or stay, the share price at which the variation applies, the course of the currency or currencies used as reference when setting the price in the contract.

Article 101: When, before the start of the buyer, the seller is forced to make a change to one of the essential elements of the contract such as a significant increase in price, the buyer may, without prejudice to recourse for compensation for any loss suffered, and after being informed by the seller by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt:

– Either cancel the contract without penalty and get an immediate refund of money paid;

– Or accept the modification or replacement trip offered by the vendor; an addendum detailing the changes is then signed by the parties, any decrease in price is deducted from the sums remaining due by the purchaser and, if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the service changed, the overpayment must be returned before the date of his departure.

Article 102: In the case provided for Article 21 of the Law of 13 July 1992, when the departure of the purchaser, the seller cancels the trip or stay, he must inform the purchaser by registered letter with acknowledgment of reception, the purchaser receives, in this case, a compensation at least equal to the penalty he would have paid if the cancellation was because of his on that date. The provisions of this Article shall in no way prevent the conclusion of an amicable agreement to be acceptance by the buyer, a journey or holiday alternative proposed by the seller.

Article 103: When, after the departure of the buyer, the seller is unable to provide a major part of services under the contract representing a significant percentage of the price paid by the buyer, the seller must immediately take the following measures without prejudice to claiming reparation for any loss suffered:

– Either offer services to replace the services provided and bear any additional cost and, if the services accepted by the buyer are of inferior quality, the seller must reimburse him, upon his return, the price difference;

– Or, if unable to propose any alternative service or if they are refused by the purchaser for valid reasons, provide the buyer at no extra price of tickets to ensure his return in conditions that may be deemed equivalent to the place of departure or to another location agreed by both parties.

Accordance with the Data Protection Act, the customer has a right of correction regarding any information contained in this document.